Archive for October, 2015

I’m starting this web fresh. Great decision, isn’t it? 🙂 Anyway, social media , website, and mobile apps selfies are expanding now. Everyone is on internet. It troubles me and Im sure you too, joining all of them just because someone else we wanna be connected with is on different platform. Your friend A is on BlackBerry Messenger, so you join BBM. In addition to this, you’re friend C is on Line, so you join that. Next, your pal D is on Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, you name it. In conclusion, you join all those website/mobile apps. What a terrible exhausting thing to do, ha? As oldies say, use internet smart or it will trick you till you feel duped. Use internet smart, folks! However, anybody please give me a solution to log out from all those aforementioned apps and webs, yet still able to connect with my people. Anybody?

I just watched TedTalk featuring MIT lab professor. He pointed a great fact that most of internet users were victims. They’re (in this case, you too 😀 ) victims from subscribing to not-so-cheap internet service just to play internet thing on their gadgets. We are victim unless you learn to code. Coding a computer program is a must if you want to benefit from internet. Otherwise, we’re all victims. Great talk, Sir! A reality check it is. Anyway, this lecturer I’m talking about is one of Scratch developer, a venue for beginners to learn program a computer.

I’m still activating this WordPress account because this is the only on-line venue for me to practice my writing. Where else can you find a place where you burst your brain content into real writing, right? 🙂 Posting a writing on other socmed does not help because it’s poor in writing format option and more importantly, people will go to socmed for viewing photo, stalking friends, or commenting status, right? Try to write thing on IG. Trust me, followers will only comment your photo, it’s rarely they care about what you write, unless it’s a short one. Followers’ brain will turn into shut-down mode looking at long paragraph on your IG, cause they only care about your pictures, not the writing. In conclusion, WordPress is great for a real writer, future, and current ones. For selfies addicts, go to IG and express your disease called Narcissism (seriously, it’s a disease!). For better advice, go seek real medication to cure that disease.

Enough blabbering, I’m in the midst of thesis hectic currently. Not an easy one for sure. Hopefully I’ll pass this nicely and get great grade. Amiin Ya Alloh. Pray for the ease on me, readers.

*Islamic Reminder:

Repentance is a must. No matter how many mistakes we make, there is always a room to pray, to recover, and to restart our life. Never giving up on repentance. We are only human with normal desire (nafsu), so try to control it. However, if we do a minor (hopefully not major) mistake, repent, restart, and perform good deeds soon instead of falling down and redoing sinful deeds. 🙂

No one should ever feel more sinless than others, thus she/he forgets to repent. Every Muslim deserves performing repentance every single day with no exception, even a very pious one because again, nobody is sinless. Barokallohu fi “us”. 🙂 (Taken from Islamic preach of @aagym).

Elita S. Lubis

Dont be socmed victims!

Don’t be a victim of socmed!