About This Blog

Assalamu ‘Alaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh.

I have blogged since the 1st grade of high school. One of my ideas about pleasure on this earth is to read a bunch of good books. This blog allows me to write down my thought I gain mostly from reading good books. Before I have time to write an actual book, this blog will act as canvas to record all my interesting thought. πŸ˜€

I also post everything in English so that you’re able to do some effort understand the posting (semi-kidding) if you’re from non-English-speaking countries like mine. If you speak English, then congrats! Anyway, I blog in English to keep forging my language skill in order to re-reach my baby, @NewYork later on, again. πŸ™‚

Enjoy and leave your comment politely!

Why did I prefer ‘anduring’ as my blog name:


Anduring soccer club is the district-level soccer club originated from my beloved home village in Singengu (Jae & Julu), Kotanopan. Website:Β  http://singengu-jae.blogspot.com. I grew up being a loyal supporter of this club since my beloved uncle, Mamak Thamrin, played a vital role during each match when I was a primary school student. Eventually, I was a happy kid in my village with blessed childhood. I thank Allah abundantly for that.

Therefore, Anduring is a quick reminder about a small village where I was born and grew up happily: district of Kotanopan, regency of Mandailing Natal, province of Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. My actual birthplace is village of Singengu Jae, and you can find out all about it on this website at http://singengu-jae.blogspot.com .

Written in:

United States of America, year of 2011

Elita Sari Lubis

Mi famiglia in 2014. I love them to the moon and back.


  1. Decci says:

    Love your blog ehh πŸ™‚

    Came here through ‘related article’ on one of my blog post. Would love to read more about your experience on studying abroad. What a rich and fruitful experience! Me –> want it too πŸ˜€

    Salam kenal ya… Saya Desy dr Jogja.. (^^)v

    • Elita Sari Lubis says:

      thanks, euy.
      alhamdulillah… but it’s terribly hard to get my today’s position. you probaby knew that. 😦

      salam kenal juga, Desy. πŸ™‚

  2. na ijia doma sannari nasering i pk…..???

  3. apep says:

    inspiring.. abang link k blog abang y ?

  4. Salut for you deh.., saya pernah jadi guru SMK, pasti bangga deh punya murid like you.., never surrender to pursuit your dream …. Salam Kenal ya ….

  5. aku baru sadar
    mbah joeanta yak,

  6. juanda says:

    numpang lewat eak… πŸ™‚
    KOTANOPAN juanda nst

  7. Rajudin Lubis says:

    setahu saya di singengu anak dari silangkitang,1,djabauknangge,turunannya:saripado,namora nagodang,djabana,djakumalatua,namoraradja,pidongmarigaduh,st bangun,djamalintang, djadiatas,st kumala,djadjunjungan,pamaradja,st maradjar,djaibata,rajudin lubis(saya sipenulis)dan keturunan saya yg belum sempat saya cantumkan,banyak lagi keturunan dari silangkitang yg saya ketahui berdasarkan tarombo yg ada sama saya,yg dibuat alm kepala kampung muara mais,pada saat itu yg tertulis pada thn 1890,saya tinggal di pekanbaru komp delimapuri blok s.15,kel delima, kec tampan riau.telp:0761 64960-(r)085363850788(hp) ini saya buat sesuai dengan ejaan lama.(aslinya)
    mohon maaf apabila ada yg merasa kurang tepat.

  8. anduring says:

    @Juanda: salam kenal jg. baen ma blog mu.
    @Rajaudin: botul me, kahanggi. πŸ˜€ ulang lupa mulak tu itaan mangaligi lubuk larangan. πŸ™‚

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